Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Why do I need a minimum of Drops?

This is the most common question that new users do. Also is answered at FAQ on the site, but we want to let you know why is important to note that. 

When you are creating a new Schedule, the parameters of frequency, start time, end time, and days selection are crucial to know the minimum of Drops required. According to those parameters, Dropial will indicate (in yellow text in the bottom of page) the minimum number of Drops needed in your Schedule. 

This minimum is required because the main function of Dropial is the Loop, therefore Dropial ensure  That your timeline won't have repetitions over a week or more. While more Drops, the Loop time will be more extended. Also, you can increase the frequency having more Drops.

On the other hand, Dropial look after the minimum of tweets needed to comply with Twitter’s policies and avoid Twitter spam filters.

Monday, June 29, 2015

How to move the Drops into the body list

You are going to enter a new Drop but you want to move it in a specific order? We have a fast way to move the position of the Drop into the Schedule. See how easy it is:

  • Go into the Schedule.
  • Each Drop has actions features on its right for edit, delete or move. You can use the arrows for few movements.

Or, if you want to move the Drops into a specific order:
  • In the Schedule, click the pencil editor at right on the Drop. Once in, there is a “order” item, open the tap and select the position number of the Drop.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Why re-use your Tweets?

Everybody who handle professional Twitter accounts knows about tools for programming tweets, but, have you heard about loop your tweets list? Yes, it is about reusing and recycle tweets from your scheduled list.

May be you are asking: why I should be interested in convert my tweets list in a loop? Here we give you 3 important reasons:

1. More visibility:
Twitter is a powerful social network, but like other else, your info in Twitter has a short live, it's mean that your Tweets has a very short persistence in this social network, just because every second people and robots are sending constantly info that flow so fast that your tweets can be lost in the sea of messages. That's why it's important to be constant and persistent in the sending of tweets.

2. Learn about advertisements in traditional media:
Twitter doesn't has to be a social network where you put new info in each message, basically because of the point #1. Who say that we can't send our tweets many time? Programs on TV and radio are sponsored by advertisements and their lemma is more exposure, more potential visibility.

3. If you get followers every day, you must show your info, again:
Community Managers who are constantly looking for new followers find very usable this tool. Many of our users are agree with there are some information that is necessary to be re-send. This strategy works very optimus when you have a lot of info that can be re-used for your new followers. The permutations between all the sceneries implicit in Twitter's activity makes that your seated followers are not seeing repeated messages.

Monday, May 11, 2015

How to create a Schedule for an event using Dropial

Using the Dropial Pro version you can create many Schedules, one of those can be a “Schedule for an event”. Certainly the Loop has the benefit to have an infinity sending Tweets, but how about a Schedule with a end time? Here we’ll tell you how to take advantage of Dropial to do it:
  • Create a new Schedule only for that event:  Click the button “Add a new Schedule”,  name it, adjust frequency, time and select days of week.  Notice the yellow message on the bottom that aware about the minimum of Drops.

  • Click the “+ New Drop” button for adding Drops. Introduce at least the minimum of messages required, but more Drops is more content.
  • In the box for setting up a Drop there is an option asking you if the message expires, check it and will appears a box for set up the expiration date. Programming expiration date for each Drop gives you the flexibility for individual setting. A little watch right of the Drop indicate it has expiration date.

Push "Play" to active the Schedule. If you want to stop the entire Schedule, you can do it manually too, click the “Pause” button located in the right side of the Schedule. This is it!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Dropial looks better!

Dropial has made some updates on its image. Oh, yes, its looks better. Dropial has change its color palette, replacing black background for blue, which is the color that defines the brand. Now it seems fresher, don’t you think?

Also, it has added a FAQ tab to make it easier for users to manage the app. Of course, if you have a doubt about it, you can always write to, we will be happy to help in any way we can.

Another tab that we worked out was “How does it work”. It was replaced write information by a new video which explains in a fast and easy way how to use Dropial for the very first time.

At the last, it changed “Home page”. We have seeked the most simple way to simplify our concept for better understanding. Because we stand out in two main actions: Set up your Tweets in a list to be sent drop by drop in a Schedule, and then reuse them as a loop, ie that when finished the last drop of your list, Dropial returns to the first Drop and so on. This offers to you the advantage that your programmed tweets will drop non stop until you want.

Dropial is tremendous for those who want to be read in Twitter continuously and don’t miss any message.