Thursday, May 8, 2014

Dropial PRO has arrived!

Hi there:

As announced in a previous post, Dropial is changing for best.

We started as a free app to loop a list tweets, and this feature will be always for free. However,  recently incorporated features require additional server resources which need to be paid for.

In the new Dropial will have 2 account types:
Feature Free account PRO account
Loop a list of tweets Yes Yes
URL Shortener Yes Yes
Select days for a schedule Yes Yes
Maximum number of Drops 50 Unlimited
Multiple Schedules -- Yes
Send images -- Yes
Upcoming upgrades -- Yes

There will be the option "Upgrade to PRO" account, where you will be billed monthly at USD 5.99 on a rolling contract or $49.99 for a year’s subscription, giving user’s full access to Dropial’s advanced features including updates.

The charge is made in PayPal, so you can easily check your recurrent payment and cancel the contract any time you want through them.

Actually you may use all the features, but we are going to require the upgrade to Dropial PRO in few days.

Thanks for choosing Dropial!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Next steps!

Because of the steady increment of users, some of the features will take more resources of the server, we are having some expenses to maintain and improve the quality of the service we offer you. 

That's why we are going to charge a fee fair and affordable for everyone. There will be the option of a "Dropial PRO" account, billed monthly at $5.99 on a rolling contract or $49.99 for a year’s subscription, giving user’s full access to Dropial’s advanced features including updates.

Although, the basic loop of Drops will be for free. With a free account you can have enough Drop in a single schedule. If you want to have more schedules or insert pictures in the Drops, you will have to upgrade to the PRO account.

The new updates will improve the usability of the software. Also you will see a log screen to see what's going on, and so much more.

Keep in touch, and wait for the new post next week.

All the best.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

New Feature: Send images!


The new feature is UP! Now you can attach images into Drops.

It's really easy to use, just add a new Drop and you will find the input to select a file from your computer:

The image will be saved in Dropial APP server. Then, every time the Drop is sent, the image will be attached in into the Tweet. There is no size limit to upload, but the file will be reduced to 600px wide by 1200px tall if is bigger.

Please note that Twitter supports JPE, PNG and GIF files. Animated GIF are not supported so Twitter will reject the Drop.

Also note that attaching an image to a Drop will cut 22 chars from it. This is for the Twitter image wrapper. Also exist wrappers to links, that's why if you add a link lose 2 chars or 3 chars if the link is https.

The issue when the APP accept the 140 chars including the links was solved.

There are many things to do yet. Next week we will inform about the new roadmap we have. So stay connected to the blog!

Meanwhile this feature is free... But will be charged in the future not too far. So enjoy it now!

Dropial Team.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

New Feature: Select week days

Hi there!

Now you can select which day of the week when Dropial APP will send tweets for you. It's really easy to configure:

When adding or editing a Schedule, just select the checkboxes corresponding to the days you want to drop tweets.

Also you have a couples of presets: Business days or Weekend. Even if you have selected a preset, you can edit any time.

Enjoy it!

Monday, January 20, 2014

A couple of bugs solved

We had a couple of important issues but now are solved!
The first one prevented people from UK to start their schedules in the system. The problem was that the system was checking the UTC offset and the zero value wasn't allowed. But UK TimeZone is valid and is UTC +0.

The second bug was stopping the schedules that had problems with drops, but didn't send a email to the user to notify. Now the system sends 2 warning email when a drop is forbidden by twitter and tells you which drop had the problem. Thats why is important to validate the email address. We are going to get a better UI to show if a drop has a problem, but meanwhile please validate your email.


Thursday, January 16, 2014

What's coming new...

We are Starting Up, and we believe Dropial APP is going to grow every day thank to the users.

In the first post of this Blog, we said we want to specialise in a specific feature: Send tweets as a Loop. Actually this is Dropial sense and there are some enhancements to do. So we are going to develop some features to improve Dropial.

It is no written in rock, but some enhancements will be:

  • Drag-able sorting of drops
  • Schedules with "day of the week"
  • Start an schedule automatically on a specific date
  • Drop with random order
  • A log screen to see what's going on
Every one can suggest a new feature. If it make sense why not? Be part of Dropial APP

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Describing Dropial app a little bit

In this version 1.0, you need to know two concepts: Drops and Schedules. The Drops are the contents you want to tweet in your account. The Drops will be dripped according to Schedules.

You can set as many Schedules as you want. You can set a start and end time for every Schedule. Also you can set a frecuency of drip.

You must have a minimum number of Drops in the Schedule, enough to drip for a week. The system will check if you have created enough Drops to let you activate the Schedule. This is useful for tweets that you may have looping for a long time, for example as tips to your followers, referencing your Web page or Blog.

Another interesting feature is that a Drop can have expiration date. Thats mean you can add a Drop that will be dripped till certain day. For example a new uploaded video can be a dripped for a week, so configure a Drop with the link setting the expiration date for a week.

And as we said in the last post, you have a URL shortener embedded.

Try it!

Friday, January 3, 2014

New feature: URL Shortener

This is the first upgrade! At this time not having a URL shortener makes no sense right? That's why URL shortener was the first item in the roadmap.

It's very simple to use. Just write the body of your new Drop and then put the actual link in the text box below. Then click "insert". The short URL will be appended to your text body.

Enjoy it!