Monday, May 11, 2015

How to create a Schedule for an event using Dropial

Using the Dropial Pro version you can create many Schedules, one of those can be a “Schedule for an event”. Certainly the Loop has the benefit to have an infinity sending Tweets, but how about a Schedule with a end time? Here we’ll tell you how to take advantage of Dropial to do it:
  • Create a new Schedule only for that event:  Click the button “Add a new Schedule”,  name it, adjust frequency, time and select days of week.  Notice the yellow message on the bottom that aware about the minimum of Drops.

  • Click the “+ New Drop” button for adding Drops. Introduce at least the minimum of messages required, but more Drops is more content.
  • In the box for setting up a Drop there is an option asking you if the message expires, check it and will appears a box for set up the expiration date. Programming expiration date for each Drop gives you the flexibility for individual setting. A little watch right of the Drop indicate it has expiration date.

Push "Play" to active the Schedule. If you want to stop the entire Schedule, you can do it manually too, click the “Pause” button located in the right side of the Schedule. This is it!

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